Boarding Policies
Horse and Rider
LEC will choose a suitable horse pairing for the rider. LEC reserves the right to change the horse/rider pair if the pairing becomes unsuitable for either horse or rider.
LEC will try to provide an alternate horse in circumstances where the part boarded horse is lame, sick or cannot be ridden. In situations where an alternate horse cannot be provided, LEC will return payment for the missed ride, or allow make up rides when the horse is in good health and can be ridden.
LEC reserves the right to terminate the part boarding agreement immediately, without reimbursement, if the horse’s health or welfare is being affected. One warning will be given before such action will be taken.
Rules and Regulations
The part boarder agrees to abide by and conform to all rules and regulations as determined and posted by LEC. All riders and visitors must wear ASTM headgear, safe/proper footwear and sign a Liability release.
Each part boarding program has a designated number of lessons per month. Provided 24 hours notice is given, a lesson may be made up within the month that the part board agreement is in effect. It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure the horse is properly tacked up and properly put away before and after the lesson. Only riders that can competently tack up and untack will be permitted to part board a horse.
Part Board Practice Rides
Practice rides will be 45 minutes in length. The rider may work on flat exercises that have been practiced in their regular lesson. Jumping during practice rides is not permitted. LEC reserves the right to terminate the part board agreement immediately, without reimbursement, if the rider is found to be, or reported to be, jumping their horse during practice rides.
The horse will be treated fairly and in a humane manner during practice rides. The horse will be given walk breaks within the 45 minute practice ride. The rider may not spend more than 15 minutes doing canter work per practice ride.
It is the part boarder’s responsibility to ensure the horse is tacked up properly using the proper equipment.
It is the part boarder’s responsibility to make sure the horse is properly groomed before and after the ride. It is the part boarder’s responsibility to make sure the horse’s feet have been picked out. It is the part boarder’s responsibility to make sure the horse is properly cooled out and put away dry. It is the part boarder’s responsibility to make sure the proper blanketing is put on the horse after the ride, when applicable.
It is the part boarder’s responsibility to make sure the horse is sound during the practice ride. If the horse is unsound, the part boarder must get off and notify Lenka. Another horse will be provided for the practice ride. In the case where another horse cannot be provided, a make-up practice ride will be scheduled when the horse is sound to be ridden again.
Riders under the age of 19 must have their practice rides supervised by a parent, family member or guardian that is over the age of 19.
There are no make-ups for missed practice rides, even when 24 hours notice has been given.
The part boarder accepts full responsibility for the safety of any visitors they may bring to the property and shall ensure the visitors abide by the rules and regulations. Visitors may not handle any horses unless a liability release has been signed. It is the Owner’s responsibility to ensure the liability release is signed. LEC cannot be held responsible for any injury or death to visitors that have not signed a liability release. Visitors must watch the riding from the designated viewing areas.
Either party may terminate part board by way of written notice in accordance with the following paragraph. In the event of a default, the wronged party has the right to recover attorney’s fees and court costs resulting from this failure of either party to meet a material term of this agreement.
The part boarder or LEC may terminate the part board by way of thirty (30) days written notice. Written notice must be given before the first day of the last month in which the part board will occur. In lieu of 30 days written notice, the part boarder will be billed to that date of departure plus one month part boarding fees. The part boarder must pay any and all outstanding charges in full before the first day of the final month. The part boarder cannot assign this agreement unless LEC agrees in writing. After all fees have been paid, and the part boarder leaves the property, the part board agreement is concluded. The part boarder must give LEC at least 3 days notice of the date and time that the part boarder will be at the property to remove their belongings.
Right of Lien
LEC has the right of lien as set forth in the law of the Province of Ontario for the amount due for board and additional agreed upon services and shall have the right, without process of law, to retain property or equipment until the debt is satisfactorily paid in full.